The Church of Channeling Christ
Q&A with Jesus
Q: Do you believe in science?
Jesus answers, "Human science does not know all the facts because humans choose ignorance. When you shut down intelligence in favor of knowing only what you choose to know, you are choosing ignorance, and ignorance is not intelligence.
I have known many scientists, from Socrates to Galileo, to Einstein, to Sigmund Freud and Carl Sagan. I have even spoken with Nostradamus. Not one considers the mind or its thoughts.
A thought is not physical, and neither is the mind that generated the thought. Further, not one considers energy. All assume energy is a product of matter.
How does a rock generate energy? Where would the rock get the power of energy? I tell you energy is generated by the impulse in the energy wave, and it takes many energy waves and many impulses to radiate the energy of one mineral formation. The impulse of energy is the mind of the energy, and the fact that the rock exists at all is the work of intelligent creation.
But this is more work than scientists want to do with their minds that prefer to observe only the physical and invent theories about the physical. In their opinion, matter is the constant that created all other matter, and matter generates the energy.
Not one of the scientists that I spoke with, could reconcile it lived even though its matter form died. They were only rational enough to realize they survived, but they were not intelligent enough to investigate why they were alive, and they never, of their own power, thought to consider that the impulse of energy is the mind of energy, and as energy cannot die, neither can the mind of the energy.
Every generation of humans suffers because restricted thinking is taught to them, so none hold the unrestricted thinking of intelligence.
To the human scientist, only the physical thing he or she can see, touch, taste, hear or smell is real. Nothing else exists.
As they are limited by their own choice to limit their thinking, so their science is limited and incomplete. It only holds the limited opinions of the scientists, and their half-truths focus on one dimension.
True science encompasses all dimensions of life, and in order to investigate these dimensions, you must hold an open intelligent mind that is not restrictive. You must be an ascended master.
Intelligence is based on consciousness, and consciousness is only restricted in the human being that chooses to restrict its consciousness.
Intelligence is the power of consciousness. Unconsciousness is the sign that there is no active intelligence in the mind.”
Q: Are you pleased with the celebrations that are held in your honor?
Jesus answers, "I was not born on December 25th. Furthermore, all humans celebrate themselves. They buy gifts to impress their friends and family. It is all self-glorification and self-worship. That is not what I preach, and it is not what I teach.
Further, to celebrate my death is counterproductive to the truth, that they do not care to face. My body died. My mind lives, so they prove they do not know what they are talking about.
Humans have been following their own ideas since they started to invent their deities. I was born a mortal man on Earth long after this. The human mind was already in self-delusion.
The business owners, including my father's friends that encouraged me to start a ministry, had their own delusions and one was to use my ministry as the groundwork for a religious empire.
In order to give their delusions life, they needed the people to believe I was a supernatural being. So they promoted me as a supernatural being, and people not only believed the fantasy, they wanted to believe the fantasy, just as they want to believe it to this day. Just as they worship all of their invented deities to this day.
The human mind is obsessed with fantasy, because it was corrupted by fantasy when it was fed the idea that it was a person, a human being, and a self, when there is no such thing in nature.
After watching the human mind devolve for 2000+ years, I do not bother with its delusions anymore. I am impressed by the truth seekers that hold awareness outside the delusions of the brethren.
But in so far as their delusions of Jesus Christ are concerned, their crosses offend me, and their false devotion offends me. I live, yet they do not seek me, they prefer to conjure their own ideas of me.
Their crosses only symbolize a tool of execution that caused much suffering for many. This is not only debased, it is also diabolical. Wear an electric chair around your necks. Wear a noose. Wear a stretching rack. These are also execution symbols. Celebrate them all. Why are you restrictive? What about the bomb? dynamite, guns and knives that you invent to kill with?
Why do you not display these things around your necks? You place the heads of dead animals you kill on your walls, you stuff the full bodies of the animals you murder and mount them as trophies. You use their hides as rugs, coats and accessories. These are all the same to me. It is all a sign of your insanity. Just as your experimentation on animals is a sign of your insanity, and your slaughter houses, breeding mills, factory farms, animal fights, and all forms of hunting, violent sport, civil battles and world wars are insanity.
The obsession to cause death and celebrate death has been leading humans since they first cast a stone with the intention to kill.
They do nothing else but cause death, and they invent ways to advance their techniques of killing.
When you know the human mind as I do, you do not ask about their celebrations. They are all celebrations of self-service and death. Each celebration features flesh food. They feast on death. The only death they fear is their own."
Q: What do you think of human interpretation of your teachings?
Jesus answers, "They tell their own opinions or parrot the opinions of their masters that taught them. This is another form of self-worship. Read the answer to the last question you asked. It goes into more detail concerning my thoughts on human opinions.
Q: Many believe in your resurrection, yet few see or hear you. Why is that?
Jesus answers, "When everyone seeks a genie to save them from the calamities they cause themselves, they have their eyes glued to their bottles, their lamps, and their Ouija boards, because they believe these inventions hold the portals to the spirit world. They are not sound, sane, or sensible.
The mind lives after the corporeal death of the body because it is not made of matter. The mind is made of astral material. Astral material is spirit material. It is living intelligent energy fueled by a living intelligent impulse mind.
I live because I am mind. The one who truly seeks me will be ascended, and they will use their mind to communicate with me. And I will answer."
Q: What is the most important thing you would tell people today?
Jesus answers, "Abandon human thinking. Ascend to pure intelligence."
Q: You have been called a misanthrope. How do you respond to this?
Jesus answers, "I respond to this question only for the sake of my appointed ambassadors that asked me to answer this question. Humans label everything. The drive to give everything a name was the first sign of their unnatural impulse to dominate the planet. They believe by putting a label on everything, they own what they label, and furthermore, they are the masters of the things they label. They are obsessed with their inventions, and this obsession stems from the first invention, the invention of the self that they worship as a God. When you ask me a question, if you wish me to respond like you are intelligent, please choose an intelligent question. Your labels mean nothing to me."
Q: Do you hate humans?
Jesus answers, "Your question demands an opinion, and I can only tell you that human thinking is unnatural and destructive. It is the reason for all human toxic activity that causes birth defects, genetic diseases, plagues, and the suffering and destruction of the environment and all life on Earth.
As what I tell you is the truth, clearly justified by physical evidence in the environment, and in recorded human history, I believe the emotion of hate is held within the human species, for where is the evidence that they are loving?
Are humans loving? Where is your proof? The world is dying. This is the only proof that matters.
The actions of a handful do not save the planet. All must save in order for all to be saved. The actions of a handful of humans does not make up for the hate that lies in the hearts of the bulk of the human species.
As they cannot bear their own hate, so they look to their gods and claim their gods hate. Do not cast your sins upon me. Just as you cannot reach the height of heaven, where I am, so you also cannot cast anything upon me. Everything you send out, will come back to you. You will live in a cycle of the hate you generate against the planet and all the lifeforms that live there."
Q: In your opinion, did you ever feel that humans understood your teachings?
Jesus replies, "No. Humans only understand the information that feeds their obsessions. All of my teachings were about selflessness and the virtues that come from the fruits of the spirit. Which is the intelligence of the astral mind; the spirit mind.
As humans loved only the imaginary selves that they invented in their delusional minds, so they heard that all of my teachings were about self-love.
As intelligence speaks, delusional minds reword everything to suit what they want to hear. You can no more separate the human mind from its obsession with itself, then you can separate the human mind from its obsession with causing death."
Q: Do you feel you are obsessed?
Jesus replies: "I am frustrated with human obsessions that lead all humans to be blind, deaf, and dumb."
Q: Why not let them go? Why do you continue to speak?
Jesus replies, "My Father wishes that I speak until the end, when they have at last destroyed themselves with their obsessive toxic activities."