The Church of Channeling Christ
"I live because my mind lives. I live because I choose to fill my mind with the intelligence of the creator.
Creation did not come about by chance or by accident, for accident and chance are both random occurrences and creation is an exact science. It is God Science. And God Science is what I teach.
As I hold the mind of God, so I also hold the science of God.
All natural things that are exact are also all natural things that are balanced, whole, stable and uniform, and what is naturally balanced, whole, stable and uniform is also what is naturally intelligent.
God is naturally intelligent and God's natural intelligence is the creator of natural life in all worlds of natural life.
Natural Creation came about due to a superior force of natural intelligence that was not one force, but multiple layers of intelligence combined into one natural force, and this one force is the natural lifeforce of life in the natural intelligent living spirit universe, and the natural carbon matter universe, that streams from the creator's intelligence in the antimatter universe of pure consciousness.
Before man's arrival in the natural carbon world of life, all of life was naturally intelligent, whole, stable, balanced and uniform with the natural Creator's intelligence. There was nothing human. There was only natural intelligent life free of labels, tags, and inventions. nature and natural life were whole and balanced to natural intelligence.
When the last species chose to imagine who and what it was, it also chose to invent its own thinking. The separated his own mind from natural intelligence, and chose to believe he was human, and he made his mind separate from the natural mind he was born with, the natural mind that connected him to the natural creator, God. And all in his tribe were conditioned and programmed to be the same by this very same man. Now man is out of natural alignment with his intelligent creator, and he is out of alignment with nature, and he driven insane by the imbalance he caused in his own mind. The period of man’s fall into insanity is known as the Fall of Man, and this period is recorded in ancient texts.
I have tried many times to reach the unnatural minds of men in order to alert them to their unbalanced thoughts that fueled their insane actions, but the unbalanced mind is beyond the power of sanity.
Now your world is destroyed by man's toxic pollution and the diseases, plagues, and birth defects born of his toxins, his industries of death, and the ravages of his wars.
The insane human mind is killing you, just as it killed all the natural intelligent life of nature.
But you do not have to die filled with the insanity of the human mind. You can raise your mind to higher thoughts, divine thoughts, and allow the superior intelligence of the Creator to fill you, so you will know the balance and stability that you lost through your acceptance of man's programming.
My teachings will help you. Read them, study them, contemplate them, listen to my emissaries that teach my program of natural intelligence, listen to the podcasts, and if you are in doubt, or if you have questions, speak out. We are here to assist you in your evolution. Your mental evolution will quite literally save your mental life. The natural mind lives in the natural spirit. The natural mind and spirit are created to be immortal. This is the only natural immortality there is. And immortality begins after the death of the flesh. Do not miss your chance for immortality. Return to natural mind and natural spirit. Abandon human conditioned programming.
Read the natural science of God within the scriptures of the God Code that support what I say.
Romans 8:9, “You are not in the flesh but in the spirit, if in fact the spirit of God dwells in you. For God is spirit.”
1 John 4:12, “No one has ever seen God.”
2 Corinthians 4:18, “The things that are not seen are eternal.”
Numbers 23:19, God is not human, God is not a human being.”
Hosea 11:9, “God is not a man.”
Job 9:32, “God is not a man.”
1 Samuel 15:29, “God is not a man.”
Deuteronomy 32:39, “God is alive and lives forever.”
Isaiah 40:28, “God is everlasting.”
John 4:24 “God is spirit.”
1 Corinthians 15:46 “The spiritual did not come first, but the natural, and after that the spiritual.”
Proverbs 2:6-7, “God grants intelligence and wisdom, knowledge and understanding, common sense and integrity.”
John 6:63 “The spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing.”
Psalm 104:30, “God sends forth God’s spirit, and all life is created.”
As God gives life, and God grants intelligence, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, common sense and integrity, so then these qualities are a part of God’s mind and spirit. It is through God’s intelligence that God lives, and it is natural intelligence that is the first lifeform and the generator of the intelligent lifeforce. Everything God creates is intelligent. And where does intelligence live? In the impulse mind of the spirit energy body of God.
Most important of all, as God is not human and God is not a man, then God’s intelligence is also not human, God’s spirit is not human, and God’s mind is not human. But as the natural came first and then the spiritual, God is natural.
1 Corinthians 15:44 “If there is a natural body, there is also a spiritual body.”
It is the intelligent mind and spirit that create the flesh body, and the life journey is about the natural intelligent mind and spirit that are one.
This is the God Code. It is the code of God’s intelligence, that is natural orderly, balanced, conscious, and sensitive.
The intelligence of creation does not operate on human conditioning, nor does it operate on human conditioned programming. And when a natural mind is conditioned and programmed with human information, that mind is now full of unnatural information and separated from natural life, natural reality, and the natural God. A mind has no life if it is separated from its life source. And the mind of God is the only life source of the natural mind. The unnatural mind does not exist, it is a fabrication just as the fantasy of being human is a fabrication. Life is natural and there is nothing human in it. " J.C. channeled by Reva Christ