The Church of Channeling Christ
Questions from the Public Regarding Religious and Spiritual Practices
1. Should a follower of Christ be spiritual or religious?
A follower of Christ should be intelligent and diligent in performing deeds of mercy, compassion and kindness to all of God’s creations.
The first priority is to raise the mind. When the mind is raised to excellence, then the mind is full of the highest potential and the highest possibilities. The mind is raised when the intelligence in the mind is raised.
Intelligence is raised through higher thinking.
The highest thinking is whole thinking that encompasses the whole of life, so all of life is considered, not just the thinker itself. All of life is considered at the highest, which means the welfare of all life is considered above the the welfare of the thinker.
The mind is now discerning, rational, logical, reasonable, sound, sane, and balanced. The mind is peaceful and in perfect equanimity with the living environment, all of natural organic life, all sentient life, all ecosystems and the planet. The mind serves the health and wholeness of all life forms, and this makes the intelligence in the mind whole, balanced, sane and healthy.
The whole, healthy, mind is fully sentient for sentience is the highest intelligence. Sentient intelligence comes from God, the Intelligent Mind of Creation. Through your sentient mind, you are connected to God and all of the natural sentient organic creations that God has made.
Through your excellent mind that is sentient, you now know what is not sentient, for all things that do not radiate sentience also do not fill you with excellence and light.
The first realization you will experience comes when you know you are out of alignment with God. When you are out of alignment with God, you do not experience excellent thinking. You do not experience a connection of peace and perfect equanimity with the living environment, all of natural organic life, all sentient life, all ecosystems and the planet.
The warning signs are clear: you will feel self-focused and driven by personal interest and gain. You will feel a lust for power, wealth and acclaim and you will want to dominate others, do as you please and be oblivious to the consequences of your actions.
True life is not about you; true life is about the sanctity of life itself, and life itself is not human. Life is God and the Imperial Intelligent Energy of God that created every natural organic sentient possibility.
True life is God’s web of life, which is an intelligent matrix that is woven from God’s own Imperial Intelligent energy waves. This miraculous web of life is also sentient and through your own knowledge of sentience, you are connected to this web.
Therefore, if this information does not raise your spirit and inspire your mind, then you are out of alignment with God.
Understand in the matter of religion and spiritual beliefs, you have been taken over by your human brethren who have their own ideas in the matter. These men and women do not know God, they do not speak to God, nor do they speak with Christ.
In order to know the truth, you must know it from the source and the only source of knowledge about True Life, is the one who has taken the journey of mortal life on Earth, who died on Earth, and then rose in heaven to meet God, to know God, and to learn the truth of life from God.
The source you need is Jesus Christ, and he has been speaking with mortals for thousands of years, but most ignore him for they do not understand his teachings today any more than they understood them when he first walked the Earth.
To know the truth, you must ask yourself intelligent questions.
Does it make sense that the creator of life would wish to see life destroyed?
Is the planet in ruin with a poisoned atmosphere, depleted ozone layer, polluted water, polluted soil and ravaged ecosystems?
Who is responsible for all of this toxic damage?
Does it make sense that God would forsake creation in order for the human race to survive, when it is the human race that has destroyed creation?
The truth will astound you. You will not want to accept it, but nevertheless it is the truth of God.
Your human brethren have destroyed the planet and they are out of alignment with God. Worse than this, they have been waging war against God by destroying creation and building their artificial world to take its place.
You live in that artificial world. The human media feeds your mind the artificial world’s propaganda. You are eating artificial food and medications that are toxic from pollution, you are drinking toxic water, you are bathing in toxic water, and you are breathing toxic air, and the reason you do these things is because there is nothing else.
Man has poisoned the planet.
Why has this happened?
This happened because man turned away from his potential to hold an excellent mind. Man chose to turn away from excellence in order to follow his own lower path. But as he did not hold an excellent mind, so he did not hold excellent thinking and his poor choices and his poor judgment has led him on a destructive path that has now all but taken the last breath of life from the planet and the remaining natural organic life forms that God created.
This means man has taken these things from you.
Now you are also a victim of man’s poor thinking and man’s poor judgment, for he controls all the resources of the Earth and to garner even a small bit of poisoned food and water, you must work for his toxic industries and comply with his self-serving destructive agenda.
You are merely a laborer, working to keep his toxic economy running. For his economy is based on toxic industries.
Are your leaders stopping pollution?
No. They do not care about the world or about True Life, they care only for the wealth they garner from their toxic industries.
The world has not changed since Jesus Christ walked the earth and battled with the merchants in Damascus.
Now Jesus wants to take on the toxic industries and save the planet by raising all minds to be aware of the deceptive practices that you are following. Awareness will lead the mind to excellent thinking and through excellent thinking you will be released from mental enslavement to the toxic masters that run the human world. Jesus Christ’s offers you the gift of excellent thinking.
2. What is the difference between being spiritual and being religious?
According to the word from On High, Jesus was not a religious man. He was, and is, a spiritual man. While he was alive on earth, Jesus believed in the power of the spirit. He believed the spirit was holy because the spirit was God, the Creator.
Understand the spirit lives even after the body dies. Jesus Christ is alive. His body is now made of pure spiritual intelligence.
The way he explains it is this: God’s spirit created the physical universe and all the planets by casting his spirit outward. He first formed a spiritual web of the highest intelligence; God’s intelligence, which is also the intelligent matrix of God, and then, from within that web, stars were formed to give light. The sun came next to warm the environment and the moon came to cool it. Rocks were filled with water that softened the rock to soil, the soil was seeded but the seeds did not always take root. Often there was no life. But on one rock, vegetation grew, then insects and animals filled all of the environments of that rock and that rock was now a planet.
But God did not call the planet Earth. Everything you know has been handed down to you as man’s opinion and interpretation. Jesus tells us, God called the first planet of life, Eden.
When man turned away from God, so he turned away from his responsibility to the web of life and Eden, and he invented his artificial synthetic world by corrupting God materials, and then he invented his artificial practices, traditions, cultures, religions and universities of human knowledge that all repeated the same nonintelligent rhetoric to suit man’s agenda which has always been to dominate the Earth, plunder and hoard the resources and sell them for a profit to his brethren that needed food, water, medical care and shelter.
Those that liked man’s ideas, also turned away from God, and they joined man’s artificial world, his artificial practices, his artificial beliefs, his artificial religions and his artificial cultures, and his artificial traditions, and when they had babies, they programmed their children with all of these things, and soon every generation of humans believed in this one system of thinking, that was not excellent thinking, and it was not whole thinking aligned to God, but it was man’s idea of excellence and it was man's idea that he was a God, and it was these ideas that all people were programmed to worship and follow.
Excellence in thinking will allow you to see this for yourself.
Are all of man’s industries, practices, beliefs, religions, cultures and traditions self-serving?
How do they benefit God? How do they benefit Eden?
Remember while you ponder these questions, man has destroyed the Earth, dominated and poisoned all resources and enslaved all people so they must work in his toxic industries if they are to eat his toxic food, drink his toxic water, bathe in toxic water or enjoy housing, clothes, and toxic medicine.
Man controls all industries and all industries produce toxins and because all of his ideas are toxic, his mind is not excellent and he does not believe in True Life.
So the question "What is the difference between being spiritual and being religious can only be answered like this:
What you know of spirituality and religion are only man’s opinions.
At the Jesus Christ's Life Science Center, an excellent mind is held above all else and it is revered for its holiness both spiritually and religiously, for the new spirituality and the new religion of Jesus Christ is based on His education system designed to raise the mind to excellence which will return the mind to the peace, balance and sanity that it new in the beginning, before the Fall of Man, when the mind was pure and innocent. And the excellent mind that is balanced in peace, harmony and sanity will also return to wholeness with God and the web of sentient life.
In the practical sense, spirituality is usually a series of teachings told by men, some of whom have great insight and divine inspiration. Often these teachings are taken over by a publishing house that serves the toxic industries of man’s economy, so the spiritual ideas are also modified to serve man. A mind of excellence would be discerning and know the truth.
A religion follows a doctrine interpreted by men along with the ceremonies and practices that were invented by men.
3. Do you have to change your lifestyle and beliefs before you start following Christ?
If you commit to holding a mind of excellence, you will change everything about your lifestyle in honor of holding an excellent mind. Any thought that is not in alignment with excellence will also change. The old will be cast aside in order for the mind to evolve. This is the process of evolution.
4. What benefits can someone get from following Christ?
This question seeks to know how following Christ serves you and the question reveals that you are of man’s world and already lost.
Do you like man’s world? Are you benefitting from man’s world? What are you looking for?
The mind that seeks a benefit has already been programmed to serve itself. Therefore, it is not the excellent mind of the Holy Spirit that is connected to God, it is the human mind programmed by human masters.
A mind of excellence seeks only excellence.
First, you must know how you wish to serve your mind. If you discover you do not wish to serve your mind, you only wish to serve your body, then your interest is merely in physical pleasure.
There is no physical pleasure derived from educating the mind in excellence. There is sentient pleasure which will imbue your physical senses, but this is not the same thing as having the lusts of the body satiated.
As you are already programmed to seek a benefit and as your programming comes from man and man is all about physical pleasure, we can only say again that Jesus Christ offers an education system for mental excellence. Jesus Christ is not concerned with your mortal body; his concern is for your immortal mind.
5. What Misconceptions are there about the main stream’s belief In Christ?
All of man’s ideas of Christ are the invention of men. The document you know as the Holy Bible was translated over 4000 times since the Dead Sea scrolls were found. Every translation involved human interpretation and then after the initial translation, those with the money, paid to have their own version printed. An example of this was King James.
The bible became the road to a profitable religious industry. Under the penalty of death, a leader released religious propaganda restructured to justify his domination of all resources, his violence against all life, his pollution of the environment, and even his public executions, all in the name of God and/or Jesus Christ. Who never condoned these things in the first place.
Ceremonies were constructed that neither God nor Christ ever agreed to, and concepts were devised to oppress people into believing they were exonerated from their sins for a price, while others promoted the idea that they were exonerated period, because of Christ’s sacrifice. But not one of these ideas sprang from a mind of excellence, and this is the telltale sign that it was man that thought these things up.
Christ was murdered. No victim of murder ever sacrifices his life, but rather, his life is extinguished by the non excellent thinking of his murderer(s).
Man dominates all things with his non excellent thinking, he dominates all ideas and all life in order to malign it for his own non excellent purposes whether he enslaves that thing, tortures that thing, murders that thing or merely releases propaganda about that thing, and if it sounds good to the audience, the audience agrees with it.
But neither the dominator nor the audience show excellence in thinking; all have fallen.
The mind of excellence follows only excellence. But when the mind has fallen, all it knows is deception and the propaganda that tells it that deception is excellence.
This is the total corruption of the mind.
6. What’s the most influential thing you say to get someone to follow your point of view on religion, spirituality and faith?
The question asks an opinion of the one who answers, and all opinions only serve the one who holds the opinion. Opinions are not true intelligence. True intelligence does not come by opinion, but by fact.
The world is polluted and man is responsible for that pollution. The evidence is indisputable. An intelligent mind would not pollute its environment, yet man does this, and he also rules the human population with their consent.
As Jesus Christ's Life Science Center focuses on channeling the mind of Christ and offers two mediums who are in contact with Christ and the teachings he gives them, we can only explain what we do and who we do it for.
Christ's teaches excellence in thinking in order to raise the mind of man, so the mind of man will evolve out of destruction.
Our service is to Christ. Your evolution is up to you.
7. How can a man live in the world yet not be of the world?
An excellent mind knows there are many worlds. There is the physical world that holds the planet Earth and all the life upon the Earth, and there is the individual world of all the individual minds on that planet.
The question you ask refers to man’s ideas of the physical world and it refers specifically to the ideas of man that include domination, subjugation, violence, pollution, deprivation, limitation, hoarding, self-service, greed, envy, jealousy, pettiness, hate, anger, and divisive thinking. None of these things are the product of excellence in thinking. All are the by-products of corrupt thinking.
A man lives in the physical world but he is not of man’s ideas of the world, when man holds excellent thinking which raises him to realize man has destroyed the physical world and threatens all of life with his continuing destructive practices, therefore man’s mind is not excellent and his ideas and plans should not be condoned, supported or followed.
8. What’s the main message that you would like people to emulate from the bible?
As man does not hold excellent thinking, he has corrupted the bible by corrupting all holy intentions for the bible, so Jesus does not promote the bible. Understand, man promotes the bible because man has sold the world his own interpretation of it, which is not excellent, and those who do not have excellent thinking, choose man’s thoughts over seeking the excellent mind of Christ for themselves to discover what Christ wants.
Using excellent thinking, the bible can be rediscovered in the holy light that it was intended to be read, under the guidance of Jesus Christ. We at the Jesus Christ Life Science Center offer Christ's Life Science Bible as a resource guide to explain the excellent thinking that man ignored in the original bible.
9. What’s the main message that you would like people to emulate from your own religious and spiritual beliefs?
Jesus Christ’s excellence in thinking program is not about anyone. You are again asking a question that requires the personal opinion of the responder.
Jesus seeks to save all of life; the web of existence, the planet and all the life upon her. There is only one way to achieve this goal: utilize excellent thinking. Through excellent thinking you will see the Truth, you will know True Life and you will see what must be done.
Do not emulate, learn to think excellent thoughts then utilize excellent thinking.
10. What should someone do if he or she is confronted with opposition to what you teach?
The student on the journey of excellence does not engage the corrupt mind.
A corrupt mind is chaotic and unbalanced. This makes the corrupt mind dangerous.
The corrupt mind will challenge intelligence because intelligence is foreign to it. The corrupt mind challenges everything that is foreign to it, this is why the corrupt mind is also divisive and prejudiced. The corrupt mind is racist, the corrupt mind looks to destroy everything that is not like it is.
The excellent mind does not seek to destroy. The excellent mind seeks only excellence.
In Jesus Christ’s educational ministry, no student is asked to become a prophet and go out and teach the public. Each student chooses for itself if it wishes to investigate excellence in thinking, and if that student decides that the information it currently holds is excellent enough for his or her personal agenda, there is nothing more to say in the matter. The student is allowed to go his or her own way and continue their own journey alone.
Understand an excellent mind will not seek confrontation because the peace and wholeness within the excellent mind makes the excellent mind complete.
A corrupt mind is confrontational because it is not whole or compete; it is broken and fragmented. The corrupt mind does not know what wholeness is, so it seeks to destroy signs of wholeness. The corrupt mind’s view is that destruction makes it whole, so it seeks anarchy, division and war.
As the corrupt mind lives in a corrupt world, and the corrupt world is not the world of the mind of excellence, so the mind of excellence stays within its own world.
There is no battle because there is no battle ground. The corrupt mind has its world, and the excellent mind has its world.
11. Do you think you can take a lower mind and raise it to excellence?
Understand the mind will only accept information that it is open to. If the lower mind is dissatisfied with corrupt thinking, if it is seeking wholeness, that lower mind will be open to higher thoughts and it will know higher thoughts when it hears them.
Understand the mind holds two spheres, a higher and a lower. The lower mind acts rogue and corrupt only when the identity of the human within shuts off his awareness of higher thoughts and higher senses. This does not kill the higher mind. The higher mind is still with you.
When you pollute the lower mind with corrupt information, you can close out the higher mind completely, or the higher mind may remain open, it all depends on your sentient gifts.
As natural organic life is born with a sentient mind, which is a higher mind, this mind is the first mind to be engaged when a human child is born. This is the Alpha Mind. The Alpha mind is innocent and will remain innocent until it is corrupted by corrupt human programming. If the other minds surrounding the child are also sentient, and if these other minds feed the child excellent thoughts, the Alpha mind will be that much stronger. But if the child is robbed of excellent thoughts, and if the lower mind is too full of corrupt thoughts, the child may turn away from the higher.
It all depends on the child.
If you did not experience your own Alpha mind in childhood, and if you hold no connection to sentience or to innocence, then you are the only determining factor in your mental evolution.
If you choose your human programming you are also choosing to be limited in thinking. Should you choose Alpha thinking (which is excellence in thinking) and the world of your higher mind, you will be evolving out of mortality through embracing higher thoughts relative to worlds that are not mortal, but the worlds that are reserved for the divine Gods.
12. Describe a mind that has excellent thinking so we know what thoughts are equal to the thoughts of Christ and we know what thoughts are worth emulating.
All of Christ’s thoughts are readily available to anyone who is an earnest seeker. If you do not wish to engage Christ’s mind yourself, you can avail yourself of some of his teachings through the curriculum offered by The Cosmic Christ Center. If you are seeking samples, you may refer to our podcast channel, https:// or our website,
13. Why are main stream theological and religious beliefs wrong and your beliefs right?
Again, we, in the Jesus Christ Life Science Center, channel messages from Jesus Christ. We are in service to Jesus Christ, and it is in service to Jesus Christ that we share his messages. We make no claims about any other religious or theological body or thought process. Jesus Christ is offering an educational ministry for excellence in thinking, in order to raise the minds of men to assist in their mental evolution.
As man's destructive mindset is proven in the destruction of the Earth's environment, ecological systems and ozone layer, and as it is evidenced in man's violence and poisonous industries that caused the destruction of the Earth, so these things prove man's mind has not evolved, it has been corrupted by poor quality thinking.
Should there be an interest in mental evolution, Jesus Christ is offering to teach excellence in thinking for the evolution of your mind.
14. What would you recommend to help evolve the mind to an excellent state?
The first step in mental evolution is to become aware of what is not excellent thinking and this has already been covered in these FAQ
There is much more to know and to learn. But the first step is to awaken the mind to the knowledge that it holds corrupt thinking by virtue of not knowing anything but the corrupt information that man has been feeding it.
How do you know you hold corrupt thinking?
You see pollution and believe it is natural. in other words it is natural to see filthy water and human debris in waterways, streams and oceans. It is natural to see litter on the ground, in the gutters and clogging the sewers. It is natural for food to contain chemical additives, artificial ingredients and dyes. It is natural to have birth defects and diseases. It is natural to need catheters and bowel bags to remove the waste from your body, it is natural to need machines to breathe for you and circulate your blood.
It is natural to have plagues.
When you see these things as natural, it is only because this is all you know. You do not realize that there was a time before man polluted the Earth and before that time, there was no pollution in the water or the air, the ozone layer was there, there was no litter on the ground, there were no gutters or sewers, there was no technology and no radiation from technology, there were no industries or toxic waste from industries, there were no birth defects or disease, there were no catheters or bowel bags to remove waste from the body and there were no machines to do your breathing for you or to circulate your blood.
The air was fresh and clean, the water was pure and clean, the land was pure and clean and the climate was balanced with the seasons. All ecological systems flourished and so did all the life forms that lived in these systems.
And food was grown on trees and in the ground.
All was natural and organic and all was in balance.
When the mind accepts corruption, it too is corrupt.
For the mind that does not accept corruption, evolution is in your grasp, but you must raise your mind out of corrupt thinking.
15. If thoughts are just energy propelled into physical action, why is it so hard to harness, control and redirect that energy into acts that hold a good purpose?
The mind first comes into the human body as an empty vessel, full of the highest potential and possibilities. There is no human presence or human information. This is the Alpha Mind. The Alpha mind cannot hold gravity waves; the alpha mind can only hold what is equal to it; the same metaphysical waves that it is made of.
The human information that man feeds a child is not alpha information unless that information feeds innocence and purity. Innocence and purity are equal to the metaphysical waves of the alpha mind.
Unfortunately, human information is corrupted by opinion and judgment that all serve only the flesh ideas of the holder of that information, and this information is not alpha information. This information carries the waves of gravity. As gravity waves are heavier than alpha waves, the alpha mind rejects them and a lower depository in the bowels of the alpha mind is formed to hold all the gravity information. The bowels of the alpha mind are still made of metaphysical material, but this metaphysical material is aligned to gravity waves, so now the full mind of man is like a staircase with each step as a dimension that holds information.
The top stairs (or dimensions) in the alpha mind carrying alpha waves and alpha information that is aligned only to higher metaphysical waves, the bottom stairs (or dimensions) in the bowels of the mind, carry gravity waves and human gravity information, related to the power of the flesh, the fantasies of the flesh, the longings, leanings and lusts of the flesh, the desires of the flesh and the interests of the flesh.
All information carries a wave relative to its polarity. If it serves alpha, that information is altruistic, aesthetic, virtuous, holy, divine, superior, delicate, fine, and related to these same affectations of the highest love, mercy, compassion, consideration, generosity, benevolence, forbearance, peace, goodness, joy and self-control.
If information serves gravity, it is volatile, angry, hostile, menacing, deadly, dangerous, vindictive, divisive, sly, cunning, deceitful, cruel, lustful, dominating, and intent on killing, harming, hoarding and self-service.
When the mind accepts programming that gravity thoughts and gravity interpretations are good, this information may be good in the opinion of the human identity, but the wave of this information is not good, so it is not alpha information. This information remains in the bowels of the lower gravity mind.
Your question requires that the human identity raise its gravity thinking and this is not done by harnessing the energy of gravity thoughts.
In order to change the polarity of your thoughts, you have to awaken from a gravity state of darkness and your mind must be illuminated with light.
In order for the mind to be illuminated with light, it must have an awakening. Through an awakening, the mind sees the error of its thinking and through recognizing that its gravity thoughts are in error, all gravity thoughts are now raised to better thoughts; higher thoughts, and the identity also rises.
The mind does not awaken of its own power. Something must inspire that awakening. Either the identity sees the horror of its own actions or the identity realizes the horror of its own actions through consistent and persistent contemplation of its actions.
The identity must analyze why it thinks gravity thoughts. It must discern and reason out why it believes gravity thoughts are good.
This is a lot of pain staking work that most people do not want to do.
It is easier to just be lazy and fall back on programming. In this way, all your responses are just automatic; you do not have to think at all. The brain, as a processing center, can atrophy, and you will be off the hook, able to continue functioning on auto pilot as a perfectly programmed minion of the master that programmed you with his gravity thoughts.
The alpha mind is superior. As a superior mind, the alpha mind is eager to learn and follow superior thinking. As superior thinking is weightless, so the alpha mind is full of the energy of inspiration.
The gravity mind, on the other hand, is overweight due to its heavy, dense, useless, dark information and it suffers from lethargy because it does not get any exercise. The exercise the mind requires is found in the utilization of analytical thinking, rationalization, discernment, contemplation and reasoning in order to lead to logical deductions and higher realizations.
As the human identity resides in the gravity mind that is lethargic, so the human identity is also lethargic. It just does not want to put any effort into thinking.
When gravity thoughts come all by themselves, ignited by the flames of lust, the carnal leanings of the flesh and the self-serving interests of the masters of the human world the lethargic human identity is happy to go along with these thoughts rather than expend an ounce of energy on refining them.
Raising the mind is an art form that requires diligence, responsibility, dedication and intelligence, and only a rare few are capable of holding on to these qualities.
Are you one of the rare few?
16. Is the mind of God connected to all other minds, and if so, why can’t the original mind of God, the very mind that created all other minds, find a way to control the offspring of energy that it emitted into the bodies of women and men, and why is that energy now detached, rogue and separate from the original source?
The energy is not separate. The mind is separated from God due to the presence of a human identity and that human identity's human information. The human identity and human information are foreign entites within the higher mind's energy field. The human identity thinks it is the flesh body, where the higher mind's energy field is the higher energy field of the innocent, pure and virtuous alpha mind.
It is the human identity that decides it is the flesh. As the human identity only sees material reality, the human identity does not believe in energy. All of the human identities thoughts are based on the body’s drives and these thoughts are gravity thoughts and gravity thoughts create the lower gravity mind that resides in the bowels of the alpha mind.
Refer to the previous answer for a full explanation on the human mind.
It is the human identity that is rogue and the human identity that governs the flesh body commanding it to act rogue so that it destroys all material representations of energy through domination, deprivation, oppression, greed, violence, mayhem and self-service which are all gravity thoughts. This human identity also lives in the bowels of the mind.
17. How can a mind think, plan, contemplate, calculate, reflect and store knowledge when all it is, is an energy field?
The mind is an intelligent energy field capable of intelligence far beyond human intelligence. Please read about the mind in question #15
The alpha mind holds the highest intelligence. This intelligence is empathic and psychic. This intelligence is rational, reasonable, and logical. This is the intelligence of sanity and balanced thinking.
The gravity mind is not intelligent. It holds all the delusions of men and their chaotic impulses, their divisive and deceptive schemes, their dark deadly plans and their insensitive thoughts and cruel impulsive desires.
The human mind is found only when there is a human identity.
If there is no human identity, then the mind is spiritual, and it carries only spiritual intelligence. Spiritual intelligence is alpha intelligence.
All forms of energy are not the same. Disembodied energy does not hold an alpha mind. The disembodied energy in the earth’s atmosphere and the disembodied energy harnessed by man for electricity, heating, cooling, fuel and so on, does not hold an alpha mind. All of these sources of energy have no identity, and their intelligence is gravity intelligence that would be equal to all the delusions of men and their chaotic impulses, their divisive and deceptive schemes, their dark deadly plans and their insensitive thoughts and cruel impulsive desires.
However, these non-human energy forces do not hold human thoughts of any kind.
Humans pick up on the chaotic and unbalanced waves of gravity and chaotic and unbalanced thoughts come to them, or else they see violence and destruction in nature and their human minds are a flame with imitating that violence and destruction.
Humans choose to act on gravity waves.
Gravity waves do not and cannot act human as there is no human identity inside a gravity wave
18. Are morality, compassion, kindness and mercy, energy waves, and if so, why are they so hard to collect and hang on to and utilize when the opposite waves of anger, violence, corruption and iniquity are so easily abundant and readily accessible for all human beings to utilize?
Morality, compassion, kindness and mercy are all defined by human interpretations of sophisticated, delicate, energy waves of superior intelligence.
Those who made the human journey on Earth, refined their thinking in the afterlife and evolved from their gravity minds into their alpha minds. As alpha spirits, they were able to travel the highest regions of the alpha planes in the afterlife. Through their travels, they engaged their alpha senses because there is nothing physical to investigate. Only sense information and human recordings live in the afterlife which is also the astral planes.
By engaging their senses they were able to experience the sophisticated delicate energy waves of superior intelligence and as the dimension that held these waves was the highest dimension, they knew they had found God. In order to share their discovery with lower spirits that were not of alpha standing, they had to utilize human language to describe the experience, so they described the wave experience as the highest waves of morality, compassion, kindness and mercy. This was also channeled to humans on Earth through Jesus Christ’s teachings of God, the spirit and the fruits of the spirit.
John 4:24 “God is spirit.”
1 John 4:16 “God is love. Whoever lives in love lives in God, and God in him.”
1 John 1:5 "God is light; in Him there is no darkness at all."
1 John 5:6 “The Spirit is the truth.”
Galatians 5:22-26 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
John 6:63 “The spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing.”
Proverb 30:5 "Every word of God is flawless.” (This also means that God’s energy is also flawless.)
All of God’s thoughts and God’s energy resides in the alpha mind, the sophisticated, delicate higher mind of superior intelligence.
Man loses connection to his alpha mind by choosing to follow the leanings and longings of his gravity flesh and his interest and excitement in the damage and destruction caused by gravity waves within the earth’s atmosphere and in the planet herself in the way of storms, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, fire and floods.
As the power and might of these things inflames man’s imagination, so man chooses to also plunder, damage, dominate and destroy the world, and as these thoughts and actions all hold gravity waves, so the gravity mind is born in the bowels of the alpha mind.
The alpha is cut off from the gravity mind and the gravity mind is cut off from alpha through man’s persistent, chronic and insistent focus on the destruction of gravity waves.
Man cannot reach alpha thoughts while he is focused on his bowels. The bowels of the human mind do not carry alpha thoughts any more than the bowels of the body carry pure air or pure food.
The bowels only contain waste products.
In order to experience the higher thoughts and affectations of the alpha mind, man must leave the bowels of his mind. But he is now so lost in the waste material of his own thoughts, that he drowns in it and sinks to the bottom. He can no more raise his mind than he could raise his body if it were trapped in quick sand. The effort is too much.
There is no way up but to use the ladder of superior intelligence. Examine the waste material in the bowels of your mind. Examine it, ponder it, reflect on it, consider it, reason it out, rationalize it.
If you seek good thoughts, why are you swimming in waste material?
19. Why are men and women so self-centered? Is this a natural character trait? Why does selfishness override sensibility and morality?
The human identity is a flesh identity. It is the identity of the flesh. There is nothing natural about it. It is actually an invader in an otherwise perfect alpha energy field.
But the human masters that brought that human flesh child into the world, programmed that child’s innocent mind with a name and they programmed it to believe it was that name. Further, they programmed that child with a set of behavior patterns and rules to follow. They programmed that child with their beliefs, their practices their traditions and their culture.
If all of this programming does not serve and support the innocent mind, then the innocent mind rejects it and the lower mind is formed to hold it in the bowels of the higher, innocent mind. And if the child associated the programming in his bowels with his identity, then the identity of the child will follow that programming and also live in the bowels of its own mind.
From the bowels of the mind, a child learns to be self-centered from those who program it to be self-centered. A child learns to override sensibility and morality because its programmers shun sensibility and morality.
Only if the child learns to think for itself and only if the child decides for itself that it does not want to be self-centered, will that child then take the steps to be the opposite of what is self-centered. When the child decides to be sensible, it will seek out how to be sensible, and when the child decides to be moral it will seek out what is moral.
The same is true for an adult.
The question is who will lead the child’s/adult’s programming while it is seeking? And will that seeking child and seeking adult know corrupt information from superior information and make the superior choice?
20. In the bible, Christ never told the people to be good and kind and spread brotherly love to animals and nature, so why does Christ say to you that people should do these things now?
(Mercy replies) Your question reveals that your knowledge of the bible is limited to only scripture that speaks of humans interacting with humans.
I began reading the bible at the beginning and lost interest at the begetting, so I switched to reading the New Testament. But my knowledge about Christ comes from speaking with Christ directly.
There are many messages from Jesus in the bible concerning man’s behavior that have nothing to do with human relationships.
The fruits of the spirit do not define the fruits of god as having anything to do with human interactions.
Galatians 5:22-26 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
This scripture is a message from Christ and it does not say the fruit of the spirit is love for humans, peace for humans, joy for humans.
The terminology is perfect and absolute. The fruit of God’s spirit is perfect love, perfect joy, perfect peace, perfect forbearance, perfect kindness, perfect goodness, perfect faithfulness, perfect gentleness and perfect self-control. Against such perfect things there is no law.
When the scriptures are read in self-service, the mind interprets selfishly. But only the lower mind reads that way, the lower mind is a gravity mind. The higher mind is an alpha mind. The alpha mind knows the alpha interpretation is higher than gravity. The alpha interpretation is equal to God’s spirit. In other words, it is innocent pure, perfect and flawless. This is what Jesus Christ teaches me and this is what I have been charged to teach.
Humans have always placed themselves above all other species. And this thought has always come from the bowels of man’s mind.
But God created all and God would not forsake all. To forsake even one would not be perfect and God is flawless.
Proverb 30:5 "Every word of God is flawless.” (This also means that God’s energy is also flawless; God is flawless.)
God is also love.
1 John 4:16 “God is love.”
Jesus defined love and nowhere in Christ’s definition of love does it mention humans or human love.
1 Corinthians 13:4-8 “Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails.”
Jesus speaks of God’s love as an absolute, perfect, flawless love.
It is man’s interpretation that God loves only humans and God wants humans to love only humans. And human interpretation comes from the bowels of the human mind.
When you read the bible with your spirit mind, your alpha mind, you see with spirit vision and then you see with an enlightened mind.
If Jesus spoke about the loving interaction between humans, it was because the people of the earth that he spoke with were not being loving toward one another at that time and this was a specific message addressing that issue.
But the laws of God are clear and Jesus would not state the laws of God so absolutely, if the laws of God were only meant for human interaction.
Jesus answers your question, “Do not be divisive in your thinking or your interpretations. Engage the perfect peaceful mind that is the higher mind. This mind is the portal to my mind. Anything lower is connected only to the lower world and the lower mind.”
21. Does Christ have a mind a part from God or is what Christ tells you also what God thinks as well?
(Reva) Jesus is also On High. On High refers to the plane of God that radiates the energy of the fruits of the spirit.
Galatians 5:22-26 “But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law.”
Jesus’s transformation after death, and his journey in the astral planes, has led him to the mind of God, and he is equal to the energy waves of God’s mind, so God’s mind flows through his spirit and he speaks with two minds; his own and with God’s.
22. Does Christ consider himself part of the family of man?
(Reva replies) Christ tells me, “No. I am no part of any human family. Why would I choose to be a part of a species that has turned its back on my teachings and my philosophies in favor of serving their human master’s ideas about my teachings and philosophies?
I will repeat something that was said in my days when I walked the earth, ‘My ways are higher than your ways and my thoughts then your thoughts. As you are of the world of man, I am higher than man’s world.
I was higher on Earth, and now, I am even higher, and I will never forfeit my exalted position that affords me such a superior view, in order to join you in the degradation that your human race bathes in so eagerly.”
23. What does an excellent mind have to do with animal and planet welfare? Isn’t man’s capacity and capability to invent fuels, medicines, rocket ships, planes and electronics enough to show how excellent, superior and intelligent that their minds truly are?
(Mercy replies,) As I read this, I heard Jesus laughing and he says in reply to your question, “The lower mind loves itself and all of its gravity actions are impressive. But what is the result? All of man’s inventions cause pollution, and pollution is disease, destruction and death. And for these things, man wants applause?” He laughs again.
“When will the earth ever be polluted enough so man will finally leave the Earth alone? If he did this, it would be the only intelligent thing he’s ever done. Cease and desist your war against God’s creations. You are not impressive, nor are you evolved. In truth, God is ashamed He ever created you.”
24. Do you believe human evils must be allowed so man can have free will?
Jesus Christ never condoned the evil that men do. Jesus Christ always promoted higher thoughts; heavenly thoughts; virtuous conduct and holy ideals.
We, at the Jesus Christ Life Science Center, agree with him.
25. Does Christ believe in science?
Christ believes in wholistic science; science that takes the whole picture into consideration. The whole picture is also the whole web of life in its entirety. The physical galaxy and all the planets including the Earth, her environment, her ecosystems, her ozone layer and all of her life forms.
Where man’s science is only concerned with man’s welfare, it is not founded on true intelligence. If true intelligence were in man, it would not forsake the planet that gave birth to its human form, yet this is exactly what man does in his continued pursuit of toxins and his habitual pollution of the world, his habitual destruction of the earth’s animal kingdoms, ecosystems, ozone layer and environment, his incessant propaganda of divisive thinking and his persistence to dominate, oppress, deprive, limit and enslave every resource on the Earth, including the minds of his brethren.
27. In reference to the raising of the mind and the spirit, I prefer to ignore harsh truths. Isn’t this exactly what Christ did during his life time?
(Mercy replies) Christ was crucified for exposing man for his destructive practices and his violent behavior that made life more miserable than it need be.
Christ was murdered by men. He endured the harsh truth of teaching what was right, while man was insistent on feeding the world his own harsh lies by destroying all signs of gentleness, kindness, compassion, mercy, tenderness, grace, decency, nobility, honor, kindness, forbearance and self-control.
28. Does immortality mean you cannot kill yourself?
Immortality means the mind does not die as the flesh dies. The mind lives as the spirit holding the identity of man and all of his recordings. The mind will live until it falls asleep from boredom because it never learned to think new thoughts.
29. How can humans progress toward something better in life if their progression always involves something that is regressive?
(Reva channels Christ) Jesus replies, “Human’s regress because their thinking is regressive. All negative thoughts are thoughts that die; there is no life in them. As a result, all of human negativity lives in a repetitive redundant loop and the minds of men follow this loop around and around for an eternity because they crave the excitement of their own negative wave. The only end for the negative mind of man is the deep sleep.”
30. Can someone’s intentions be different from their actions?
The point of Christ’s teachings for the evolution of man’s mind is to raise man’s thoughts so his thoughts are superior; in line with superior intentions. This in turn will produce superior results.
31. What is the biggest waste of human potential?
(Mercy channels Christ) Jesus Christ replies, “The mind that does not know superior thoughts, the mind that does not pursue superior thoughts; the mind that does not hold superior thoughts, this is the biggest waste of human potential. For without superior thoughts, man can only be inferior.”
32. What would you say to someone that wanted to make human religion obsolete?
(Reva Channels Christ) Jesus Christ answers, “It’s about time. Only the superior mind can form a superior religion or a superior spiritual practice. Without superior thinking, all of man’s ideas are inferior and inferior ideas are useless.”
33. What would you say to someone that wanted to make human violence obsolete?
Jesus Christ responds, “Again, it is about time. Human violence proves that man’s mind is not superior, but unbalanced and inferior.”
34. Does Christ think suffering is a necessary part of the human condition?
Jesus replies, “Suffering is a part of the flesh condition. It is not necessary that humans inflict suffering. This is not only inferior thinking, but also purposeless, yet men spend their lives in pursuit of purposeless endeavors from which no good ever comes and they remain inferior.”
35. Does Christ think hardship makes a person stronger?
Jesus Christ says, “Hardship is part of the mind’s interpretation of the flesh condition. Men do not have to make life harder than it is. This is not only inferior thinking, it is also purposeless, yet men spend their lives in pursuit of purposeless endeavors from which no good ever comes and they remain inferior.”
36. Why are people resistant to doing what is healthy and good yet they crave things that are detrimental?
Jesus Christ replies, “Detrimental thinking produces detrimental results. Only an inferior mind thinks detrimental thoughts and pursues detrimental actions, and yet human history is full of these things.
When the human mind is located in the bowels, what good material is available to think with? Man must raise his mind out of his bowels in order to find good thoughts and then he won’t be producing detrimental outcomes all the time.
I have been teaching. It is your job to ponder my words and ascertain the superior thoughts within. Apply yourself to heavenly purposes; virtuous purposes; intelligent purposes and your thoughts and actions will also be heavenly, virtuous and intelligent.”
37. How does Christ want us to respond to violence, inequity and corruption?
Jesus Christ answers “Do not follow these things; do not join in and do not join with those who do these things. Teach the opposite behavior; teach the opposite thoughts. Do this and you will be following my teachings, should you wish to be a superior follower, also learn to think superior thoughts. I have the teachings. Do you have the willing mind?”