The Church of Channeling Christ
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The spirit Mother has this to say:
"Please be aware that Jesus Christ and members in the House of Christ frequently use the word man throughout these podcast episodes. Man refers to mankind which is humankind, and this includes the female of the human species as well.
In the ascended realm, there is no identity or person, so there is no physical form or gender identification.
It is our intention to disassociate the mind with the flesh as the mind is not a flesh property. The mind is the intelligent impulse of the spirit. Further, a focus on the flesh degrades the mind by limiting the mind's focus.
The mind is unlimited in its potential for intelligence.
It is strongly suggested that all mortals release attachment to their obsession with their flesh and ascend to know that true life and the true-life form, is mind and spirit, not flesh."
If you are wise, if you are seeking wisdom, or should you have wisdom to share, you may email us at, and we will discuss your wisdom or your concerns in future episodes. Please note: We will only use your first name should we use your email in a podcast unless you tell us you would prefer to be anonymous.