The Church of Channeling Christ
The Universal Life Church and Channeling Christ
We are ordained reverends with the Universal Life Church of Modesto, California.
The Universal Life Church was founded by a Baptist minister named Kirby James Hensley in the 1950’s. Kirby was a pioneer of truth, and the right to the individual expression of truth.
Kirby founded his church under the powerful philosophy that no religious ordainment is more legal than another, and everyone should be free to practice their faith however they wish, so long as they don’t infringe upon the rights of others.
The Universal Life Church believes that we must be wholeheartedly committed to expose, disrupt, and correct injustice wherever we see it, for as Martin Luther King, Jr. once said, “Injustice anywhere, is a threat to justice everywhere.”
These church policies and principles are also our own, for they are in alignment to the true teachings of Jesus Christ in Mark 16:15 and Matthew 28:18, and they are also in alignment with the legal fact that no state or the federal government will ever question the spiritual authority of a minister’s ordination.
We, of the Channeling Christ Project, pioneer for the right of intellectual freedom to govern our minds in adherence to the highest possibilities of intelligence, and we exert the right to choose the highest intelligence and to promote the highest intelligence as the intelligence of the ascended mind in the new generation of consciousness for all thinking people.
Reverend Irma Carew ordination date: March 10, 2010
Spirit Name: Reva Christ
Reverend Marie Carew ordination date: December 9, 2010
Spirit Name: Mercy Heavens
After their ordainment, Irma and Marie Carew founded The Age of Light Ministry, that included published video sermons.
After receiving the channeled Mind Science teachings of Jesus Christ over a period of 10 years, they founded the Jesus Christ Life Science Center and began The Cosmic Christ Podcast series that is now Channeling Christ with Reva Christ and The Cosmic Bible with host, Mercy Heavens. These teachings continue in 2023 as human toxic activity also continues.
Mark 16:15; Matthew 28:18; Jesus said, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation. All authority in heaven and on Earth has been given to me. Therefore, go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything that I have commanded you.”
Jesus gave us powerful messages that were documented in the New Testament. The power came from His mind and if we were open to his mind and understanding that the true power of Jesus Christ was in the intelligence of Jesus Christ, then we were enlightened to the truth of his words.
Unfortunately, too many did not understand that the power of Jesus Christ was in His intelligent mind. All that heard him were looking for the power in their flesh bodies. They all sought the magic that would change their flesh lives.
Today, people still do not understand the power of intelligence. They prefer fantasy, illusion, subterfuge, denial and escapism to truth, so there is little to no intelligence in the leaders of the world or in the followers of those leaders, which is why the planet is dying from human toxic activity that runs the industries that run the human economy.
Intelligence sees the truth, where the opposite condition enjoys its own world of non-intelligent oblivion, and the non-intelligent oblivion lets the body die and all other bodies die with it.
Jesus wants to save the intelligence that man has forgotten and forsaken, but no one would take on the quest, because no one knew what intelligence was, until now.
We are enlightened masters. We were born with enlightened gifts that led us to meet Jesus Christ and understand his teachings and his goals and so we were charged with representing Him in The Third Coming.
Channeling Christ is a part of the Channeling Christ Project and the Jesliberian Christ Communion, that continues to serve the living mind of Jesus Christ that still speaks to the people of the Earth.
How the Jeslibrian Christ Communion got its name.
The Jesliberian Christ Communion was founded by Reverend Marie Carew while in ascended telepathic union with Christ. It is the sharing and exchanging of mental, spiritual, and scientific thoughts at the supreme astral level.
The name Jesliberian comes from the man that people named Jesus Christ. Through many hours of ascended communion with His mind, He has revealed Himself to us and his desire to be liberated from the false ideas that humans have formulated about Him. "I am not who they think I am. They invent their own versions in order to serve their own establishments. They invent their own ideas in order to justify their own behavior in my name, when there is no record of my granting this permission. My edicts on human behavior are clearly laid out in the fruits of the spirit in Galatians, and in every sermon I ever gave while I was alive that showed my love of God and my true understanding of the mind of the Creator. The 20's hold the time of truth when all will be revealed through the liberation of my name and the revelations of the teachings born of my living mind."-Jesus Christ, Channeled by Reva Christ.
Jesus Christ has appointed Reva Christ as Ambassador of Divinity to the House of Christ and His personal consort.
Mercy Heavens has been appointed by Jesus Christ as his First Apostle, and an Ambassador of the Mercy of Jesus Christ.